As I lived with my parents while recovering from the broken ankle my front garden has taken on the look of a jungle whilst I've been away. It's in a very sorry state and full of weeds. It's even gone beyond the stage when you can pretend it's a wildlife garden and supposed to look a bit scruffy :(
I just don't have the energy right now to do much about it, I'll get round to it and give it a good tidy up in the next few weeks and hopefully that will do for now. I've never been much of a green fingered man, although I do enjoy it once I put my mind to it.
The only items that are seeming to flourish amongst all the weeds are the roses and some newly emerging poppies. The poppies look great first thing in the morning when I'm off to work as the sun gets on them but by the time I get home they have been battered by the wind and are about to close up. It's a shame as they'd make a great photo. Hopefully sometime over the weekend I'll get a chance to get out with the camera and catch them at their best. Goodness knows where they came from as I didn't plant them!
I am strictly an amateur photographer. Ok, basically, I am just a fool with a camera. How in the world do you get those colors to pop like that?
Hi, thanks for your comment. Basiclaly I adjusted the contrast, you may be able to do that in the settings you have inside your camera. Or you can do it on the computer afterwards. Many photo editing packages allow you to boost contrast, i.e. make the dark areas darker and the light areas lighter. That allows you to draw the eye to certain parts of the image. Thanks again for your visit, keep taking photos!!
Have you joined a photo sharing website? That's a great way to learn more and more about photography. Flickr is a brilliant one, www.flickr.com and you can create a free account there, upload some images and see what people think. There are many "new and learning" groups on there so you cna learn more and more about what to do and how. If you join up then add me as a contact, my account on there is www.flickr.com/photos/jontait2002
Hi Jon!
Thanks so much for the advice. I do have some photography software from Adobe that I will have to experiment with. I have a Photobucket account but I have also heard great things about flickr.com and I will check it out this week. The "new and learning" groups are for people like me, I am sure. Ha! I am frustrated because I "see" great pictures that I can not always convey with my camera. My goal is to learn how to make pictures show someone else what I actually saw, and maybe felt, and not just some image that the camera didn't really do justice to, if that makes any sense. I confess that I am better at drawing pictures with words than showing them with a camera and I am a beginner at both. Thanks again for taking the time to respond!
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