I had a day out in York today with Rebekah and Daniel. It was a great day. I met Rebekah and Dan at the Minster and we went for lunch at a lovely place just round the corner. Rebekah and I had the soup while Dan had the pie of the day...all very nice and reasonable prices too. Then we went for a walk into town where we found an incredible busker. His name was Ed Alleyne Johnson and he's a former member of the New Model Army and plays the most incredible electric violin. We listened to him for almost an hour before heading off.
Dan needed a new camera so we went to Jessops where he bought himself a very smart Nikon Coolpix compact camera. I then took Rebekah and Dan to York Minster for a look round. It was the first time they'd both been there so it was nice to see their faces when we walked in as the place is truly amazing. I love the size and scale of it. We went down into the under croft then had a good look round the Minster, taking lots of photos, before heading back through town to the park and ride buses.
I had a lovely time, it was great to meet Rebekah again and to say hello to Dan. The photo for this blog entry was taken inside the Minster
some great shots Rebekah has of the busker. York is one of those places that I should have already visited ... looks great!
Well when you get your new bike you can come for a visit :)
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