I've had an odd day. Started off with some inspections before heading into the office where I was the only one from my team in. That's a mixed blessing as you can get your head down and crack on with work but it means everytime the phone rings or a new job comes in I have to deal with it. Thankfully I found time to catch up with some files and reports which are now all done and dusted.
A colleague came back from her inspections shortly after lunch which was lucky really as I had to nip out and do some more site visits. I headed over to the Wolds and then to Bridlington before finally heading home to Beverley. I seem to spend more and more time in the car these days, not good when petrol is so expensive!
I forgot to have the camera in the car with me today so instead of having lots of photos from my travels out and about today I decided to have a walk round Beverley after dark and see what I could see. I started by walking down the Beckside, this used to be a hive of industry at the beginning of the 20th Century, mainly tanning industry...but that's all gone now to be replaced by flats and plush beck side developments. It looks great, don't get me wrong, but there is no sense of what used to be there now.
Then I headed down to the Minster which looks amazing all lit up. The lighting is funded by local donations from the people living in the town. Maybe I'll look into it and see if I can fund it for a week or a night. Do my bit :)
Hi... How are you?!
Did you take those photos?
They are AMAZING photos, really!!
You catch the essence and the spirit of the time in your photos, I like it.
Nice job!!
My name is Berenice. I'm from Mexico City. Have a nice day =)
Hi Berenice, thank you for your comment. Yes I took all the photos on this blog, there are more on my Flickr acocunt at www.flickr.com/photos/jontait2002
Nice to hear from someone from Mexico
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