Today I had to go back to the hospital to see the consultant about my broken ankle. As soon as I got there they had the cast removed, which was great then it was off to see the Consultant. He examined me and said he was happy for me not to have to have the cast on anymore but I'd need to spend the next three weeks gradually trying to put weight back on it to try and build the strength up in the leg and ankle again. At the moment it's very stiff and very painful to walk on so I'm still on crutches and need to do specific exercises with it to clear the stiffness and get it working again. My foot looked horrific too, lots of skin falling off...it was horrible. So rather than have my photo for today one of my leg I thought I'd show off one of the photos I got at Clumber Park later in the day.
On the drive back from the hospital Chris and I decided to go and take some photos as it was such a glorious day here, we settled on Clumber Park, a National Trust property near Worksop. It's a beautiful place and both Chris and I used to work there years ago. We went in search of bluebells to take but we couldn't really find any great bluebell carpets that would make a good photo. We took a few photos on Limetree Avenue and then drove down to the bridge over the lake and settled by a bird feeding station. After a lot of patience the birds started to get used to us and came down to feed, there were sparrows, yellow finches, blue tits, black caps, chaffinches, robins, and even grouse and pheasant there too. We even saw a squirrel, but he was too shy to come over to feed. We both got quite a few shots. This one here is a blue tit about to feast on the cake on the feeder. Have a look at my Flickr profile for more photos taken there.
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