I woke up this morning at about 9am to Chris knocking loudly on my bedroom door to tell me that he'd just seen on BBC News that the Lancaster is going to be flying over the Derwent Dam in the Peak District to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Dambusters raids. great news I thought, perfect for photos. We didn't have an exact time but the news people were guessing the flight would get there at about 10.30 so Mum, Dad and I quickly got ready and made the 45 minute drive over to the dam to find half the country had had the same idea. We drove around but there was no sign of anywhere to park and the road up to the dam was closed for a ticket only event. Such a shame. So, we cut our losses and headed over to Meadowhell to do some shopping. As we approached the far end of Sheffield we saw the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) Spitfire and Hurricane going over Sheffield on the way to the dam, then as we approached Meadowhall there was the Lancaster on the horizon turning over the Tinsley Viaduct on it's way to the Peak District. So, we got to see the flight after all, maybe not close enough to take photos, but it was better than a completely wasted trip.
When we got home we decided to make plans to go down to the BBMF visitors centre at RAF Coningsby in the next week or so to have a look round the exhibitions and hopefully see the aircraft close up. The Lancaster holds a special place in the family's heart as Granfy (Dad's Dad) used to be a navigator in them during WWII and even flew in the Pathfinder missions. They're all heroes.
To console ourselves after missing the Lancaster at the flypast Mum and I decided to do a recipe for the Community Friend website. It's hard work having to cook and taste such delicious treats I can tell you :) This time we chose a gooey chocolate cake slice...it was delicious. The recipe and many others are available on the Community Friend website.
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