Thursday, 21 August 2008
August 21st 08 - dusting the bike off

August 20th 08 - who can resist?

August 19th 08 - a very tired me!

August 18th 08 - Ruby on her wheels

August 17th 08 - Edinburgh Festival Day3

August 16th 08 - Edinburgh Festival Day2

August 15th 08 - Edinburgh Festival Day1

August 14th 08 - a chilli plant rival

August 13th 08 - Preparing for the weekend

Tuesday, 12 August 2008
August 12th 08 - Keeping the air safe

August 11th 08 - Climbing

Sunday, 10 August 2008
August 10th 08 - a walk round Beverley

August 9th 08 - The best cheese scones on the planet

So today, I treated myself to a batch and settled down to watch the Olympics this afternoon with some hot cheese scones and melted butter - yummy!
Friday, 8 August 2008
August 8th 08 - Fading sunset

Thursday, 7 August 2008
August 7th 08 - At last, a hay bale photo!

After a very long day at work today stuck in a hot and humid office doing endless paperwork I decided to take a long drive home through the countryside. I saw this lovely field by the side of the road so decided to stop for a bit of a walk and some photos.
The light wasn't great as the sky was really cloudy so I kept loosing the sun, but in the end I got a few shots I was pleased with. However, I'm paying the price for it now as that field must have been full of biting insects as I itch all over!
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
August 6th 08 - A very happy day

August 5th 08 - The new shower
August 4th 08 - Paddling in the sea

August 3rd 08 - Hardwick Hall

August 2nd 08 - Oh how very English!

August 1st 08 - Guitar

July 31st 08 - Rain, rain go away

July 29th 08 - Lack of inspiration

July 28th 08 - Anything but monkey brains!!

July 27th 08 - PALA visit to Chatsworth House

July 26th 08 - Shiny shoes

Friday, 25 July 2008
July 25th 08 - Blue wobbles!

July 24th 08 - meal and drinks with Ruby in Sheffield followed by a late night walk to find the car!

Seriously though, they were a great bunch, really good company and all had fascinating stories to tell. Especially a guy from Zimbabwe who had some harrowing tales from the troubles over there and how the country is changing day to day. Really compelling stuff.
This photos shows the path I took back to my car, which I eventually found after walking the side streets for a little longer than I'd hoped for at midnight!
July 23rd 08 - sleepy summer's bed
July 22nd 08 - Chilli plant success and a visit from Ruby

I had a visitor today too. Ruby came down to see me all the way from Edinburgh, she is at a conference in Sheffield for the later part of this week so I was the port of call on the way home. Lovely to see her again and spend time with each other. I cooked a meal and we chatted over a couple of bottles of red wine on the sofa...perfect.
July 21st 08 - A week away...the aftermath!

July 20th 08 - Happy 90th Birthday Aunty Phyllis

July 19th 08 - Dilys and Mary having a bowling conference

July 18th 08 - A view of the Firth of Forth after a lovely couple of days with Ruby

July 17th 08 - One of the frogs

July 16th 08 - Paxton House

July 15th 08 - Berwick Bowling Club

July 14th 08 - View of the Berwick walls

July 13th 08 - Lunch at Gleneagles

July 12th 08 - Walk around Berwick pier to see the lighthouse

July 11th 08 - Berwick for the week!

When I arrived, after nearly 4 hours driving in very heavy rain Dilys was out playing bowls, but she had left me dinner on the stove and a bottle of red wine all ready for me. Thanks Aunty x
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Going away - be back soon
July 10th 08 - The start of physio

July 9th 08 - In need of some inspiration

July 8th 08 - A green pepper on a red pepper plant!

July 7th 08 - Bathroom chaos
Sunday, 6 July 2008
July 6th 08 - Ready for a new shower

The "so" came off my shower curtain, it has the words shower, wash and soap printed all over it. Apparently they are there to remind stupid people what a bathroom is for. Maybe I should get some tea towels with the words wash up, dry and put away written on them for the kitchen :)
July 5th 08 - The last of the poppies

I'd leave the house every morning to the poppies just opening up and looking really splendid, then by the time I got home each evening the wind had blown the petals off and they didn't warrant any photos. But today, as I was stood by my front door fumbling for keys, I thought the poppy head itself was a very interesting shape so it got picked and dragged inside in front of my camera :)
Friday, 4 July 2008
July 4th 08 - A day trip (at work!)

I was the only one in our office today, everyone else was on a mix of leave or off to a course somewhere or other. So, faced with the option of spending the day in the office doing paper work or getting out in the car to do some site visits the car trip won out. I can assure you it had nothing to do with it being a beautiful day though!
The area I cover at work is just over 900 sq miles and has some great countryside and sleepy villages so I quite enjoy getting out and about and exploring. There were quite a few areas I had to visit to I turned off the climate control, wound the window down and took it easy, enjoying the sun and the cool breeze. Oh this is the life :)
July 3rd 08 - A food photo