I've had a good day today. I've been working towards a major project at work for some time now. It will basically overhaul the way in which we use computer based mapping called Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in the team and I've been quite daunted by the whole thing for some time now. But today was the initial meeting of the project and it went very well indeed. It looks like the project will likely be delivered much earlier than I'd expected, with the minimal amount of hassle and will deliver everything I've asked for. I'm a very happy man.
As always, I love your photos. I have some I took at a beach last spring that I may put up one of these days. Does your new shower head feel like rain. That is how my husband has ours rigged. YOu won't believe this but I was just thinking about Sherwood Forest yesterday. I was thinking about deforestation and land preservation. I had heard that there was some fuss to preserve it a few years back. I am delighted to know that it survived. Looks like your parents were enjoying their outing. My parents have a photograph of themselves taken at a natural bridge when they were first married and one taken 50 years later at the same place!
Thanks very much for your comment. Yes Sherwood Forest is doing well, they had bid for a big chunk of government funding a couple of years ago for improvements but they loost out to a national cycle trail instead. But it hasn't stopped the forest from doing well so that's good. I hope you post your beach shots as I look forward to seeing them
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