Tuesday, 12 August 2008

August 11th 08 - Climbing

I have quite a small, but nicely formed back yard at home. I've tried lots of pot plants in there with varying degrees of success. Shortly after I moved in a few years back I painted all the walls and fences blues and greens to give it some colour. I then bought some ivy and put it in a large pot by the wall that divides me and my neighbour. I hoped the ivy would take and eventually spread up the wall and give it a nice covering. But after three years of barely making it out of the pot let alone sticking to the wall I gave up and removed the pot.

The year after this sprout of ivy appeared from the smallest of cracks in the patio and is now covering about a quarter of the wall and is almost at the top. It's great news but I have no idea where it came from and why my perfectly reasonable attempt failed in favour of this random sprout from nowhere.

I tell you, gardening is very complicated!

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