At the end of the PALA 2008 conference they had arranged a visit for the delegates to Chatsworth House. As I don't live far away Ruby had managed to blag me a ticket to come along. We couldn't have picked a better day for it as it was stunning, really hot and with a wall to wall blue sky.
After a walk round the inside of the house (something I've not done for years) we ventured off into the gardens. As I was the only one out of the group who had been to Chatsworth before I was appointed the unofficial guide, so I made sure we saw all of the main areas and water features in the time allowed. The place was packed, with children playing in the cascades and couples laid out on the grass taking in the sun.
It really is one of my favourite stately homes to visit, they seem to really cater for the visitor by giving them almost free reign in the gardens and even allowing photos to be taken inside the house, a real treat these days.
After our walk round the grounds we headed to the main courtyard area and to one of the cafes for lunch, which was delicious, if a little pricey. Then it was back on the coach to head back to Sheffield.
Ruby then followed me back to my place where she's to stay for a few days before heading back to Edinburgh
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