Wednesday 2 July 2008

June 29th 078 - Some time by the sea

I don't know what is about being by the sea, but I love it. I really like just going there and enjoying the scenery and listening to the waves. I live about a half hour from the sea and I wouldn't change it for the world. These are the cliffs just below the main lighthouse at Flamborough.

My Granny and Granfy lived by the sea in Northumbria and Nan and Granddad didn't live that far from the Norfolk coastline so we've always been able to go spend time by the sea all my life.

Being into photography helps too as the coastline round where I live offers some really diverse photo opportunities from quiet coves to great chalk cliffs, from busy seaside resorts to eroded groynes jutting out past disused lighthouses.

Whenever I need some time to think, or some Jon-time, then the seaside is where you'll find me...usually with camera in hand

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