Wednesday 2 July 2008

June 30th 08 - thank you!!

A week go my electric shower went kapputt. It was very old and had run its course really. So, today I had a local plumber come round to give me a quote to replace the shower with a new one, re-tile a section of the bathroom and do a few other odds and sods around the bathroom.

Now I have no idea at all when it comes to DIY. I must have missed that gene when they were handing them I tried to act like I knew what he was talking about when he started to describe all the different steps he would take and how long things would take, but it all sounded like some strange foreign language to me. I did decipher that he'd like me to strip the old sealant off the bath so that would save him a job (and me lots of money) when he has to re-seal when he comes next week. So, this afternoon I set about taking the old stuff off...goodness me, what a job!! After about ten minutes I six different tools to help me: a flat head screwdriver, a stanley knife, a pair of scissors, a pair of pliers, a chisel and a plastic ruler!! It was a mammoth job. Then I reached out to steady myself over the bath and managed to sit on the tail end of the shower curtain which caused the shower rail to come down onto my head. I'd managed to pull the screw fixing right out of the ceiling, leaving a rather nice hole. So I had to go find the drill and some raw plugs from the shed to put a new fixing up...the result, lots of dust, lots of swearing...and in the end I had to go to Focus to buy some superglue to attach the new fixing to the ceiling as the plaster is so old it wasn't strong enough to drill through properly.

The moral of this story is...tradesmen, you get a bad rap but you are worth your weight in gold!!
I take after my Granfy, who, according to my Granny never learnt how to use a screwdriver in his entire life :)

P.S. Single ladies...I'm not a complete lost cause...I can cook!

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